Where are you on your fertility journey?

We will help you find the right path.

It is not the right time to start a family. I would like to preserve my fertility.

I want to get pregnant.

  • Diet and nutrition for fertility

    We have the best chance of conceiving and having a straightforward pregnancy when we are healthy. We can’t control everything relating to our fertility, but this is one area where you and your partner can really take charge. Through healthy diet and lifestyle choices you can both maximise your pregnancy potential.

  • Planning a pregnancy - A balanced diet

    We have the best chance of conceiving and having a straightforward pregnancy when we are healthy. We can’t control everything relating to our fertility, but this is one area where you and your partner can really take charge. Through healthy diet and lifestyle choices you can both maximise your pregnancy potential.

  • Planning a pregnancy - A healthy lifestyle

I would like to get my fertility tested.

  • How long should I try to get pregnant before seeing my doctor?

    Despite what we’re told about unprotected sex, it can take longer than you’d expect for a perfectly healthy couple to conceive.

  • How to check my fertility?

    If you are worried you might be having problems conceiving or if you have been trying to conceive for more than one year without success, you should consider having your fertility checked.

  • How does male fertility testing work?

    If you suspect male fertility may be affecting your chances of conception, it may be worth booking an appointment with a doctor to get your fertility tested.

  • An introductory guide to fertility tests (Free Guide)

    If you have been trying for some time and are concerned that “nothing seems to be happening”, then speak to your GP who may refer you for some fertility tests.

    The Gynii Me team has created this FREE introductory guide, to help you to understand what fertility tests are about and who should have which test.

    Click here to read the free guide online or email us at hello@gyniime.co.uk for a free copy. 

  • The Master Gland

    It may only be the size of a pea, but the body’s pituitary gland plays a critical role in fertility in both men and women. It also has a key role in your response to stress. In this article, we take a look at the workings of this small but essential gland.

  • Menopause terms explained

    Menopause: This is when a person stops having periods. To have reached menopause, periods must have stopped for 12 months. The average age for menopause is 51.

    Early menopause: This is when a person’s period stops before the age of 45. It can happen for a variety of reasons:

    • Naturally as the ovaries stop making hormones
    • Secondary to cancer treatments like radiotherapy or chemotherapy
    • After surgical removal of both ovaries.

    When early menopause occurs, this change is permanent. Pregnancy cannot occur naturally.

I am looking for fertility treatment.

  • How to prepare for my first fertility appointment? (Free Guide)

    During your first consultation, the doctor will take time to learn about you, your health (and if it’s relevant, your partner’s health) and will design a fertility treatment plan for you. The consultation is also an opportunity for you to ask questions and to learn about the clinic and your doctor.

    There can be a lot of new information for you to take on-board; you may feel overwhelmed and unsure about where to start. Gynii Me has put together a list of key questions that you might want to ask at that first consultation (and feel free to adapt the question sheet to suit your personal style).

    Why not print out the questions to take along to your consultation appointment? It’ll help to jog your memory.

  • Choosing a fertility clinic - where should I start?

    Choosing the right fertility clinic for you can feel a little daunting. There may be many questions in your mind: Where do I start? What do I look for? What questions do I need to ask?

  • How to choose a private fertility clinic?

    What to look for in a fertility clinic depends on your preferences and what feels important to you. We have gathered feedback from women and men at each stage of their fertility journey – these are some of the questions they asked to help them choose their fertility clinic.

  • What is a Gynii Me partner clinic?

    Gynii Me provides up-to-date and accurate information on all fertility clinics in the UK. We are also developing partnerships with a number of clinics. By independently identifying clinics with transparent pricing, relevant treatment and reliable success rates, Gynii Me brings together the key information.

  • What are the fertility treatment options?

    Fertility treatment options can be divided into three broad categories, which may require the use of one or more options: Surgical Procedures, Assisted Conception (Procedures such as IVF) and Medicines

  • IVF in the UK

    The UK fertility sector prides itself on delivering high quality treatment and safe care. All UK IVF clinics are monitored by an independent regulator, (the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, or HFEA). 

  • What should you know about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
  • A Guide to Egg Collection

    Egg collection (or oocyte retrieval) follows the hormone stimulation stage of your treatment. But it can only go ahead when you have enough follicles measuring 16-22mm.


  • Chemical Pregnancy vs. Clinical Pregnancy

    A “chemical pregnancy” refers to pregnancy which has only been detected by testing for the level of the pregnancy hormone hCG (a biological chemical). High-levels of hCG indicate a pregnancy. A chemical pregnancy may be detected two weeks after conception.

  • How to check funding from Clinical Commissioning Groups?

    If you’re considering IVF, check your local Clinical Commissioning Group’s (CCG) funding policies to see whether you qualify for NHS funding to pay for your treatment.

  • Do I meet NHS fertility funding criteria?

    In the UK, NHS funding policy varies according to where you live and your local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) policy. Every GP practice in England is now part of a CCG.


  • Understanding fertility price - (1) Initial consultation

    Since fertility treatment may be one of the most significant investments you make – financially and emotionally – Gynii Me want to help you cut through the confusion.  

  • Understanding fertility price - (2) Fertility assessment

    Pre-treatment investigations include tests and scans to assess a woman’s or a couple’s fertility.

  • Understanding fertility price - (3) Fertility treatment

    The average costs for IVF treatment (if using the patient’s own egg and sperm, rather than donated eggs or sperm) is between £5,000 and £7,000.

  • Understanding fertility success rates - What you need to know

    When seeking the right fertility clinic, one of the factors that will guide your decision is a clinic’s success rate figures.

    However, making sense of the success rates reported by each of the fertility clinics is often difficult for a number of reasons.

  • Understanding fertility success rates - Finding the information you need

    Navigating your way through the statistics provided by fertility clinics can be heavy-going. As well as an individual fertility clinic’s web site, the following sources are a good starting point to helping you find the information you need

  • Understanding fertility success rates - How is “success” defined?

    Whether reported on Gynii Me’s, the HFEA’s, or another website or source, the reported success rates are usually based on a number of popular measures. Each measure is designed to give you an overall idea of the success of the treatment for a clinic; it is not easy to say which is the most reliable or best measure.

    To help you work out what it all means, we have included a brief guide to terms (or expressions) used when describing fertility treatment success rates.

  • Understanding fertility success rates - Making sense of success rates

    Becoming familiar with the way success rate statistics work can be tricky and also rather daunting. Looking at some simple examples of success rate and how they are derived, helps you to understand how to interpret the results presented by a fertility clinic.

  • Understanding Embryo Transfer: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Embryo transfer is the last stage of your IVF treatment and takes place following the fertilisation of your eggs by IVF or ICSI. Once the eggs are removed from your ovaries following stimulation with fertility medication, they are fertilised in the lab to form an embryo. The embryo is then transferred to your uterus.

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